About us

A message from our chair

Welcome to the website of the Yorkshire Sommeliers, formally known as “The Yorkshire Guild of Sommeliers.”  Our organisation was formed in 1962 and celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2022. We currently have more than 500 members.

Our simple aim, through membership, is to promote the discovery and enjoyment of wine by all. Each individual section arranges its own programme of events, with a wide range of guest speakers including wine-makers, wine merchants and wine lovers with expertise in specific areas of wine production/grape varieties. There are nine different sections throughout Yorkshire, with a total of more than 500 members overall.

Uncork Your Wine Journey with Us

Delve into the world of wine with expert guidance, one sip at a time!


All our tastings are designed to provide enjoyment of wine with an educational aspect. We emphasise that knowledge of the wine in the glass adds to your enjoyment. There is a modest annual subscription to the Guild, 60% of which is returned to the sections enabling each section to subsidise the costs of quality speakers and quality wines.


There is an executive committee which includes the elected officers and the section Chairmen.  This committee meets regularly to monitor the operation of the Guild covering finance, membership, overseas visits, providing guidance where sought and formulating policy where appropriate.

The Guild produces a magazine three times a year under the banner of the ‘Yorkshire Sommelier’. This magazine is sent to every member and covers past and forthcoming events arranged by the Guild and the various sections, interesting wine facts, stories and much more.


Ann johnson

Tel: 01482 441229  

Email: sommelierschairman@yorkshiresommeliers.co.uk  

Ann will be pleased to forward any enquiries direct to the appropriate chairman.